A Search for Self
Through Integration Therapy
What I Offer
One-on-One Integration Therapy Sessions & Consults. Specialty Retreats & Workshops.​​

Limiting beliefs can significantly restrict our personal growth and life experiences. However, by becoming aware of these beliefs, understanding their origins, and actively working to challenge and update them, we can break free from their constraints. This process of self-examination and belief revision is key to personal growth, allowing us to create a more empowering and fulfilling life narrative.
Old beliefs restrict seeing how we are now, and block our potential.
By changing our thinking we change our life.
Trauma blocks us from being present and puts us in reaction to life. It is an emotional wound that does not heal with time.
It shows up in all our relationships. We get lost in hurt and suffering. Separating us from ourselves. Blocking our potential and possibilities.

Our creativity, imagination, and innovation begin to atrophy. We owe it to ourselves to clear what is not our nature.
Healing emotional trauma is the most important thing you can do.
An emotional wound does not heal with time. It blocks us from being present and puts us in re-action to life. It shows up in all our relationships, that's why the divorce rate is so high despite all vows and promises. Each person in the relationship is triggered by the other.We become negative, rigid and get lost in hurt and suffering, attracting the same emotional pain over and over again.
It blocks our potential and possibilities. Our creativity, imagination and innovation begin to atrophy. We owe it to ourselves to clear what is not our nature.
By healing our emotional wounds, we come out of repetitive self-destructive patterns, out of fear fantasies and into the present moment.
All the great sages through time say:
“You are much greater than you can possibly imagine”And that will be the outcome of clearing the density of emotional wounds.

Shadow Work
Shadow work is about making the unconscious conscious. Bringing to light the aspects of ourselves we feared to acknowledge. It encompasses the parts of our being that were not accepted.
The rejected, forbidden fragments of our psyche.
Without the recognition of who we are not, and who we truly are. There can be no transformation.
The fundamental truth is that we are inherently whole. We were born that way. And we possess all the necessary tools to navigate our unique life journey.
By investigating and uncovering our shadow we unlock the potential for profound personal growth.
As all the great sages of all times say: You are much greater than you can possibly imagine.
Now imagine a life having never accessed those parts of yourself.
Microdosing psilocybin or “magic mushrooms” is on the rise. More and more people are preferring to take psilocybin for depression, anxiety, paranoia etc., because there are no horrible side effects. Doing my own research, I found many scientists are saying that it integrates the communication system in the brain, reducing hierarchy. For example, in our consumer society, we value head/intellect over heart/emotions. What psilocybin does is equalize rational intelligence with emotional intelligence. It connects intuition, perception, creativity, and sensory functions. It opens up new pathways of learning. It invokes neuroplasticity. Welcome to the new age. Linking as opposed to ranking.

Enneagram Workshop

​​​Enneagram is an ancient esoteric system showing us our personality fixations.
We have a personality, we are not a personality.
Personality is a predictable survival response that can be observed.
It locks us in repetition reaction.
The Enneagram is a moving force from fixation to potent possibilities.
In the workshop you will learn tools to free yourself from your own fixations.
The greatest happiness is to know the source of our unhappiness.
By changing our thinking we can change our whole world.
Inner Alchemy Workshop
Alchemy, turning one substance into another.
Turning lead, dense metal, into Gold, the highest vibrating metal. A metaphor of evolution.
Life is a series of experiences:
Good. Bad. Good. Bad. Good. Bad...
Our parents, society, culture, religion.
And all that comes with life's experiences.
Create feelings of rejection, of abandonment.
Teaching us to fear our internal selves.
This separation from self is traumatic.
And trauma literally changes the brain.
It blocks information processing.
Which makes us easily manipulated.
Some of the symptoms are:
Can not regulate impulses or emotions​.
Experience cycles of compulsive behavior.
Feel unable to have a true connection with yourself or others.
Have difficulty relaxing, or feeling calm in your body.​
Feel constantly overwhelmed and exposed, or numb.​
Experience a sense of loss and personal defectiveness.​
Struggle with self-defeating beliefs and behavior.​
Alternate between feelings of shame, self-loathing and guilt, and not knowing why.
Some coping mechanisms are addiction to:
Being right
Abusive relationships
Or anything that is self-destructive but relaxes you momentarily, and has a long-time negative effect on your life.
Alchemy is the process of trans-form-ation of energy.
For example a client couldn’t express himself as a child so he hid. Now as an adult he has a fear of self-expression. He is not in touch with his needs and many times he doesn’t even know what he feel. And he didn't develop the language to be able to express himself.
The past impacts the present.
We can not run away from ourselves.
Trauma exhausts the immune system.
If you have autoimmune dis-eases such as asthma, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, skin allergies and many more including some cancers, most likely they are caused by trauma.
In my workshops:
We will journey to the root causes of self separation.
​Search out the un-investigated childhood survival beliefs.
And create an internal sense of safety.​
Which will result in coming out of re-action into conscious intentional action.
The Universe loves courage.
When you take action to liberate yourself from your programmed mind, the Universe connects you to higher states.